Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sad News - Notsuoh will be closing soon.

If you were on the fence on seeing Noise and Smoke Saturday, I suggest you get off it right now as Notsuoh posted a blog on their myspace today where they announced they will be selling the building.

It may not be touted by the city tourist bureau, but to many of us Notsuoh is/was/has been a vital part of this city's culture and this city will lose a great deal with the loss. Our best to Jim Pertle and his family who have done such a great service to this city over the years by running this downtown cultural oasis. Like Pik-N-Pack, the Axiom, the Proletariat, and the original Super Happy Fun Land it will soon slip into mere memories and I pity those of you who missed out on what it had to offer us.

Thanks Jim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Piss. Fuck. Shit.