Friday, November 21, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for the Week of November 21, 2008

[Warning this is being put together during our next issue's deadline so this is pretty bare bones. My apologies if I miss anything or if my descriptions are brief.]

This Week's spotlight is on
Thanksgiving Insanity

Wednesday, November 26
Born Liars, Guitars, Lazy Horse
@ Rudyard's

OK what are we thankful for? Well if it's broken bottles and girl fights then the Born Liars' pre-Thanksgiving show at Rudz last year's must have made you think that maybe there is a God and God orders whiskey straight. I'd be lying if I were to say I wasn't hoping that this year proves just as insane, rowdy, and fun. Go for the possibility of insanity and mayhem, yes by all means do, but I think you'll find the music will be just as awesome. The Born Liars straight-up rock and roll mayhem never outshines the music which is dirty gritty garage rock at its best. Then there is also the Monocles, Lenny Briscoe, Alarma super-group Guitars whose new EP is like every great Indie rock trope you love condensed into three songs. I've heard some pretty bad ass reviews of Lazy Horse live from people I trust pretty well and I've been diggin' their myspace songs even if they did take off my favorite track. So, long story short, you will have much to be thankful for.


Friday, November 21

The Suspects, The Neptones
@ The Continental Club
Ska and surf. Sure, why not?

Wolves at the Door, Ozeal, Studemont Project, Yoko Mono, Juzcoz
@ Dan Electro's Guitar Bar
Wolves at the Door put on a good show. It's a pretty primordeal band but still not bad.

The Caprolites, The Delta Block, The Hangouts, 500 Megatons of Boogie
@ Notsuoh
Notsuoh possibly closing in the near future and a solid line up, how can this not be on our list.

Abominations of the Earth VIII, featuring Condemned, Dark Sufferance, Throne of Odin, Brutally Mutilated, & Necrotic Void
@ The White Swan

Damn it, there is a band called Throne of fucking Odin! How could this not rule!

George Jones
@ Arena Theatre

Damn it, George fucking Jones! How could this not rule!

Don't Fight It, featuring Dave Wrangler, Piss Heavy, & Young Squaddy
@ Boondocks
DJ's Boondocks. Nuff Said.

B.B. King, Shawn Pittman Band
@ House of Blues
(Friday and Saturday)
B.B. is so bad ass he could whoop your ass Friday night then have you come back for a second ass whoopin on Saturday.

Giant Battle Monster
on The KTRU Revelry Report (6PM 91.7fm)

Ian and Matt bring you some of the best local music and news every week here.

Saturday, November 22

Via Colori: A Street Painting Festival
benefiting The Center for Hearing and Speech,
featuring Arthur Yoria, Bourbon Street, Cafe Khytaro and DelEspadin Flamenco, Flying Fish Sailors, Jerk Store, Two Star Symphony, Corian Ellisor with Alex Abarca & Kristen Frankiewicz, Jason Spencer, & Brian Kalinec Band
@ Sam Houston Park (Allen Parkway & Bagby; 10AM-6PM)
Nice little idea for an outdoor festival. Have artists paint the sidewalks and have a nice line up of bands. Plus it will benefit the Center for Hearing and Speech. It being a free event how could you not just swing by to take a gander?

Torche, Black Cobra, Clouds
@ Walter's on Washington
Get your super duty heavy on! This will be a sweet show. Miami's Torche are hella fun metal.

The Gary , Bright Men of Learning
@ Rudyards
The Gary is Trey Poole - Ex-pat Houstonian best known for also playing in Sad Like Crazy - and looks like they just threw this show together at the last minute with black violence-metal masters Bright Men of Learning. Led by Marshall Preddy (you may have read the tattoed ex-heroin junkie's New York Times best selling rock and roll memior) the band is not for the weak.

Pong, Lick Lick, Foot Patrol
@ The Continental Club

Dig it -> Pong = silly ass-shaking fun. Lick Lick = absurdist ass-shaking fun.

Destroying Texas Fest III, featuring
Inquisition, Blood Storm, Necroholocaust, Baphomet's Horn, Obeisance, Gnostic, Nodens, Adumus, & To Scale The Throne

@ The White Swan
OK OK OK. Let me just say it again. Metal band names Rule!!!!!

Helstar, James Rivera
@ F.B.I. Rock Club #1
OMG - How can you not love Helstar. Jeez, just look at the awesome artwork! Is that not brain bursting stuff???? I mean... I dunno which I love more - the little skeleton dudes frying on the bottom or Satan asking for a beer and TV remote from his Lazy-Boy. Man, metal is sweet.

Ruby James (1PM)
Mechanical Boy (4PM)
@ Cactus Music

Free St. Arnold's beer. Woo.

Prince Klassen, DJ Orion, Dayta
@ Boondocks

More DJs at Boondocks

Secret Saturday Show
@ The Shady Tavern

Oh you know the deal sun, music and beer - what better way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Sunday, November 23

Via Colori: A Street Painting Festival
benefiting The Center for Hearing and Speech,
featuring Moses Guest, Carrie Ann and the Apocalyptics, Scott Krippel, Sideshow Tramps, The Wild Moccasins, The Texas Toast, & The Neptones
@ Sam Houston Park (Allen Parkway & Bagby; 10AM-5PM)

Day two of this street painting with music outdoor festival. the Sideshow Tramps and the Wild Moccasins alone should be worth the price of admission ... errr which did I mention is FREE?

3rd Annual Jerry Lightfoot Memorial Concert,
Benefiting Big Walter The Thunderbird
W/ Trudy Lynn, Sunset heights, Charlie Prtichard, The Shadowcasters, Steve Kase, Rock Romano, Tommy Dardar, Texas City Slim, Mojoifrompolis, Curtis King, Norma Zetano, The Blue Threads, George Kinney, Johnny Smith, Pee Wee Stephens, Brother to Brother with Sandy Hickey.
@ Fitzdown (Early 2PM $10)
OK I have to plead total ignorance here to Big Walter Price until I came across this but holy shit his stuff is awesome. The old straight up boogie woogie piano stuff is a blast (though admittedly the later stuff sounds weird
in comparison with organ and cheesy organ beats or dated synths) and there is some great footage of him singing in a wheelchair that rocks out there on youtube. Here is a really good bio on the guy whose history includes stints with Peacock records, T-N-T records, and The Upsetters (Link)

Monday, November 24

Warren Hatfield benefit
With Golden Axe (Free downstairs)
@ Rudyard's
When you were attacked by a bear and needed a rock riff to beat back the beast, who was there for you? When you were trapped under that car and needed and fast arpeggio guitar lick? Who was there? That's right Golden Axe. Well, now the axe needs you! Will you turn you back on the axe in it's time of need? By all that is good and ass whoopin in metal, I hope not otherwise how could we as a nation move forward? Yes, that's right. If you don't go, the terrorists have won.

Sad Gorilla, Benjamin Wesley
@ Boondocks

Not sure who Sad Gorilla is but the hairy ape will be much happier to know that it's playing with the hyper talented Benjamin Wesley (Fucking Transmissions and the late great Basses Loaded)

Tuesday November 24

Young Mammals Golden Axe
on the KTRU Local Show (8PM 91.7fm
OK you know what's funny is the Young Mammals, one of Houston's best H-Pop bands are considered elder statesmen by some of the younger bands. Man, 21 is the new 40; this scene is getting younger!

Whoops looks like Ian updated his calendar after I checked it for the preview. No worries this will rock hard too!!

Wednesday, November 26

Zach Hill, Golden Axe, Caddy Whompus, Sings
@ Walters

OK so Zach Hill is from Hella, Caddywhompus is Sean and Chris of The Riff Tiffs, and Sings is Brett Taylor is from By the End Of Tonight. Got That? Yeah and Golden Axe needs no explanation.

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