Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's My Party.

So, I missed this "oh-so-legendary" Jandek show at Rudyard's thanks to the chain on my husband's bike just not cooperating with us. Well, I HATE funk (not fun), so I don't think I missed much except seeing my friends dance like jackasses (which is always fun). Oh well. Don't miss thing, it makes you sad. Anyhow, a week's worth of stuff not to miss...

Where I not glued to LOST tonight (and saving up my party points for my birthday tomorrow), the show I'd pick would be at The Mink. You've got Battle Rifle with this week's CD release, the fucking awesome The Takes, B L A C K I E (generally I H A T E rap music, but I L O V E B L A C K I E) and the always scandalous Chocolate Crucifix. Apparently people still like Ratatat, since they're still around and playing at The Meridian with Tussle and Despot. And I know a lot of people care that Bruce Springsteen is at Toyota Center. How big of an asshole am I that I'm all whatevs about The Boss? Pretty big one, so I'm told. Well, I'm even more whatever about New Found Glory at Warehouse. There sure is a lot of "people still care" events tonight. Oh and they're playing with Bayside (never cared) and Set Your Goals and Verse (still not caring). Oooooooh but you know what I do care about? 10th Grade Cutie at Super Happy Fun Land. I really want to see these guys one of these days. They're like the future of music and shit. They're playing with Imari Tones, Bows & Arrows, and Archaic 3. Finally, if none of these appeal to you, you can go to Notsuoh for When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (say it in big epic voice).

Hey! Thursday is my birthday and I'm going to be making it happen first at Cactus at 5:30 to get my St. Arnold's fix with T-Bird & The Breaks (it's like Sharon Jones but instead of a sassy black ex-female jailer, it's a white dude from Austin) and then at Walter's to check out Vivian Girls (finally, after missing them due to my asSXasSW ordeal) the added bonus to that of course is Future Blondes. Between you and me, I could take or leave Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti. T-Bird is gonna be over at Warehouse later with Greyhounds. The only other thing that I can in good faith recommend is doing the whole butt rock thing over at Boondocks for Camaro, their, well, butt rock DJ night. I mean, you've got Lollipop Factory at Notsuoh which is kind of like if you put Bolt in short-shorts and striped socks oh and top hats and made them play at Scout Bar. I'm trying to place where it was that I saw them before, but I remember being aghast. And I'm just going to shake my head at Plain White T's at Numbers and Forever the Sickest Kids at House of Blues. So, yeah, looks like you'll have to come out to Walter's and say happy birthday to me.

I highly advise going out to the Grand Opening of Mango's with Sideshow Tramps, Robert Ellis (favorite!), i am mesmer, and Two Star Symphony. I think having this place back in circulation is gonna be big fun (Omar, please clean the bathroom). Does the venue formallly known as The Oven give you the heebie-jeebies? Might I suggest you go to Warehouse and grab a CD by Spain Colored Orange. They're playing with The Sour Notes, Dizzy Pilot, Paris Falls (another favorite!), and You(genious) (another rapper that is a-ok with me!). Ceeplus and DJ Melodic play musics there, too. The Gary and The Jonx play at The Rudyard's. And I dunno what exactly the Psychedlic Sock Hop is, but it sounds like a good idea. I haven't heard of anyone playing except A Thousand Cranes but anyhow it's at The Tree House (5105 Crawford). Perseph One (yet another Houston rapper that I am not adverse to) brings it to Super Happy Fun Land. And how much hot water do I get in mentioning a show that my band mate's brother is playing? Anyone? Anyhow, Tambersauro is playing at Walter's with The Life and Times and Good Times Crisis Band. If you've got no time for time maybe you'll like the bizarro line-up at The Continental. Ok, Honky and Dixie Witch on the same bill I get, but do Molly and the Ringwalds' crowd cross over with that crowd? Weird.

Hey! It's the KTRU Outdoor Show! They've got Ted Leo headlining, but of course, he's always sounded like bagpipes to me. For cereal. I think I might have a filter on my eardrums that turns his music into bagpipes. Boring bagpipes. But that's ok. A few of my local favorites including Buxton and B L A C K I E will be there, too. There's a bunch of folks that have me drawing a blank as well and then a band called The Boat Show, which reminds me of the Showgirls commentary ("Don't go to the boat show Nomi, it's a rape-a-torium!"). But every year the KTRU folks do an excellent job and it's always always always a blast. So support your local college station, they support you. It starts at noon. Oh but Two Star Symphony are doing the in-store thing at Cactus at 1pm and then it's The Stone Coyotes at 4pm! Oh no! Ride your bike so you can go back and forth at will. So, that takes care of the day time, but what will you do that night? I know exactly where I'll be, but where will you be? If you're smart you'll be back at Watler's for mother fucking Leslie & the Ly's. Leslie's opening up for Stereo Total. Ooooooh but Muhammid Ali (HEARTZZZZ) is playing at Mango's! Maybe I can time it right. Also at Mango's you've got Young Mammals and THEART. Man, and there's another good show a few block over at Sedition Books. It's The Caprolites (heartzzzzz, too), Leslie's Dead Friend (Leslie Hall's?) and Rapeworm (haven't heard anything about them in a loooooong time!). Show starts at 8pm. Seriously, everything going on tonight is going to be fun, so here's some more options...That "quite lovely" band that I first heard at the Block Party, Searching For Signal are playing Super Happy Fun Land with The Handshake, Summerside Project, Caddywhompus, and Gamma Ringo. The Born Liars (who are being slowly infiltrated by undercover Homopolice) tear your face of at Notsuoh with Gin Slingers and Flash Boys. And if you're in the mood for boys but not flash, The Strange Boys bring their big time rock and roll to 3910 Driscoll and make it good with The Wols and The Wiggins, who will have a shiny new cassette for you. BYOB, BTW. Oh and some british vegan guy is playing at Jones Hall (hint: It's Morrissey). He's got the very excellent Courteeners in tow, so I hope you bought your tickets.

I can't really advise you in good conscience. Find your own way my friends.

All I have to say about Monday is Blowfly at The Continental. You have no excuse to do anything else.

Well, on your way home from work, do the Cactus thing at 5:30pm with The Magpies. And then you've got BoomSnake at Helios. So, Boomsnake is a dude from Say Anything, and I learned from the past weekend's Bat Mitzvah experience, Say Anything is the only thing outside of severely profane and sexually explicit rap music that thirteen-year-olds like. If you're looking for the complete opposite of that head to the Toto Moto Warehouse (2305 Lyons) and see some brutal things like Sacred Shock, Deskonocidos, No Talk (more faves) and Fan Death. Oh and it would be Tuesday without Campfire Stories at Alvin Bowling Center?

See you next time.


Anonymous said...

Well it's news to me about the Born Liars playing this weekend. We still might do it if someone would tell me what the fuck is going on. If you book a band tell the band dumbasses

Ramon Medina - LP4 said...

Well you may want to take that up with Mr. Sims because he has had you listed on Rudz's ads, website, myspace, and even that wall calendar by the stairs for quite some time.

Bill Fool said...

We are playing Rudz on Sat. the 18th. This has nothing to do with Rudz. It says Notsuoh!!!!!!!!!!!! No one from Notsuoh called or emailed me or the band Flash Boys. I emailed the band Ginslingers through myspace. I can see they read the email but still no response. This shit is not right. Don't use other bands to push a show with the hopes of a lot of people showing up. Those people are going to be pissed when they show up and find out NO Born Liars and No Flash Boys.

Ramon Medina - LP4 said...

Whoops My bad Bill, Yr right I misread the Rudz Calendar - that's next week. I think the big gap of shows this week on the rudz dot com schedule threw me off.

Kam said...

magpies are playing tuesday night at the continental with the umbrella man...shameless promo.

april5k said...

Hey Bill, sorry I didn't see that earlier! Next time shoot me an email and I'll take it down ASAP!

Yeah, that's pretty weak to stick bands on there if that was the case.