Friday, December 12, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for the Week of December 12th, 2008

This Week's Spotlight Is On
Metal at the River Oaks Theatre

Friday, December 12th
Insidious Decrepancy, Funeral Rites
@ River Oaks Theatre (FREE - Midnight)

I know what you are saying. You're amused by this show because it's a funny gimmick. Well, let me just get this out there and reply to that assertion with a "Duh! Of course!" C'mon it's metal at the River Oaks!!! Jeez!!! I mean you do the math then toss in FREE and the very satanic midnight hour and it's no contest! OK but seriously dig one man killing machine Insidious Decrepancy or the 15 years of crushing brutality of Funeral Rights and see if you don't find your hand uncontrollably folding into the Dio devil sign as your head succumbs to the call to bang thine head!

Still don't believe this is cool? Well, check out this picture of the marquee by River Oaks Theatre's Kirston Otis. YUSSSSS!
(Full disclosure one of the organizers is also my wife.)


Friday, December 12th

The Jonbenét, O Pioneers!!!, Brian's Johnson, This Year's Tiger, City of Compton
@ Walter's on Washington

This one is a really solid bill with the heavy and bad-ass Jonbenet, the high energy driving indie rock of O Pioneers, and the the AC/DC lovin'/Cockbar hatin' Brian's Johnson. Awesomeness in spades!

Antique Curtains, The Delta Block, The Wrong Ones
@ Notsuoh
Antique Curtain's weird low-fi aesthetic is one I'm still on the fence about but that's not so for the retro-punkers Delta Block and the trashy New York Dollsish rock of the Wrong Ones - should be pretty fun.

Unknown Pleasures
with DJ Shu and Wes Wallace

@ Numbers

A new Friday night recurring event over at Numbers where DJs Shu and Wes Wallace dig into their 80's collection for your listening and dancing pleasure.

Ice Cube, Trick Trick, Five Doza
@ The Meridian

Rap Icon, Film Auteur, and The Patron Saint of the Herb hits downtown.

The Quietest
on the KTRU Reverlry Report (6PM 91.7fm)

Ian and Matt's week live drive time awesomeness.

Saturday, December 13th

The Watermarks, Paris Falls, The Boxing Lesson
@ The Mink

Dude the lights! The organ! It must be Paris Falls! Awesome!

Sleeping In The Aviary, Dizzy Pilot, Hearts of Animals
@ Walter's on Washington
We played 5 questions with SITA in yesterday's music blog (link) and the new album is pretty sweet but hell toss in Dizzy Pilot and HOA and we're dancin' for joy!

Danseparc presents
Mustache Night 2
@ Numbers
Danseparc DJ's Michael Harwell and Shu welcome guests CeePlus bad Knives, Damon Allen, and GRRRL Parts to get behind the board and help lay out some of their guiltiest pleasures. Bring a mustache (real, drawn, glued, they don't care) and get $1.00 off admission!

Benefit Show for Sedition Books
Vegan Potluck,
featuring Jesse Williams, Chris Clavin, Hunger Strike Riot, Andy Herrada, & more
@ Sedition Books (901 Richmond
A few years back, you may recall there was a little bookstore on Washington that was doing pretty well for itself. That is until some arsonist decided that they didn't like this kind of store on that street. Why all the fiery hate? Well Sedition Books is your typical anarchist bookstore and I guess some people just don't like diverse political beliefs. Thankfully the store survived that little episode and spent a short time on OST before moving into its newest location in the 'Trose. Oh wait you've never been? Well, check them out. They are right next door to where the old Proletariat used to be and this fundraiser for this very community minded store is a great opportunity to do so.

Secret Saturday Shows, featuring
Lazy Horse, Darwin's Finches, & Bottom Four
@ The Shady Tavern

Holy Crap a not so secret Secret Saturday show!

@ The Big Top (free!)

Free show at big top. Just FYI.

Little Brother Project (1PM)
The Secret Machines (acoustic 2:30PM)
@ Cactus Music

Free Music and St. Arnold's beer. Hooray cactus!

Sunday, December 14th

Matthew Shipp Trio
@ Barnevelder Movement/Arts Complex

2201 Preston St.
(8PM $13 general / $10 for students; everyone under 18 gets in for free)
More info at Nameless Sound
Matthew Shipp is pretty amazing and I could ramble aimlessly about him but since Omar already spotlighted it yesterday on our homepage (link) that saves me a lot of typing and bad similes so just check out this brief video from youtube instead.

@ Toyota Center

Yes, AC/DC are one of those bands that you can joke about and say that they've written the same song over and over again but c'mon admit it, even if you agree with that assessment, you'd have to admit - it's a damn good song.

Monday, December 15th

Wheels on Fire, Guitars, The Backalley Sluts
@ Rudyard's
What's that I smell? It's a party! Your 60's garage party can't do better than Athens, Ohio's Wheels on Fire. OK well may be it can if you just add the bad ass fun of Gutars and the trashy & glammy Backalley Sluts.

Wicked Poseur, The Secret Prostitutes
@ Boondocks

Monday's at Walters means free shows with usually awesome bands. This night the bands are certified grade-A awesome.

Tuesday, December 16th

Justin Townes Earle, Samantha Crain
@ McGonigel's Mucky Duck

(In Store) Justin Townes Earle
@ Cactus Music (6PM)

Steve Earle's young 'un actually does right by his old man with his country twang and charming songs. Check him out for free at Cactus then, if that ain't enough, he's playin' at the Duck that night.

Something Fierce
on The KTRU Local Show (8pm 91.7fm)
Local pop-punk gods play live to plug their record release which is Friday the 19th at Walter's; more on that next week.

1 comment:

ms. rosa said...

You forgot to say "That's no lady..." (snarf!)