Friday, September 19, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for the Week of September 19th 2008

This Week's Spotlight Is On
The City Of Houston #1 Teen Hit - Curfew!!

Just when the hot weather hits and people are sick and tired of being without power for a week, here comes the weekend with a promise of a respite of friends, music, and booze. Bartenders and local bar owners stand to make a much needed killing from cooped up adults who just need a break from the last week. At times like this it's good to remember the words of the great American Founding Father Benjamin Franklin who wrote "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants to see us happy."

Unfortunately this boost to one segment of the economy and our spirits ain't happening. Yes that's correct your 1st amendment right to peaceably assemble has been revoked again - curfew has been extended to Monday. So, simply put - you are fucked!

If any good can come of this, it's to see the fucking stupidity of the weekend teen curfew. Yes that's right, nothing will make you feel more like a teenager than being kept indoors for your own good and this weekend you too can feel years younger and bask in the wild and free teen lifestyle. Stay home play your Wii, watch a movie, read a book, and in effect cut yourself off from society for six hours. Damn, that sounds exciting doesn't it? Well, this is what kids in Houston have to deal with every weekend so enjoy.

Post-Hurricane Curfew details for Houston and surrounding area from the Houston Chronicle (LINK)

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