Friday, May 30, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for the Week of May 30, 2008


Sat., May 31 -
Awake / The Mckenzies / The Gold Sounds
@ The Mink Backroom

The one time I saw Awake I really dug their dense, slow, and, at times, melodic death dirges so much that - even though it was the last few songs in a set - I was pretty impressed and felt that they were doing something pretty unique. The weird thing about them is if you download their albums, it sounds nothing like it does live. So here, check this live youtube video of the song redshift ( Link ). It's slow and brutal yet also very pretty like Codeine as played by The Swans. Neat! The Mckenzies are a band you've already heard me rave about as being a poppy ass-whoopin' so I'll give you a break on the raving but they really are that good! The Gold Sounds have some new tracks on their myspace that are vast improvement over their debut EP from last year. The last release seemed like one from a band that had some nice influences but the songs never got past their inspiration. The new material though suggests a band that may have found its voice. The vocals are more confident, the melodies are stronger, and the band sounds heavier and more urgent. Nice job guys. Well done...and to think I'd written you guys off.

Saturday, May 31
Sad Like Crazy / Rossi Mission
@ Rudyard's

Sad Like Crazy were on a roll back in the 90s. Their jangly indie rock was well loved here in Houston and they even put out two nice albums but then, you know, stuff happened - band members become parents, band members moved to Austin, etc. - and the band kind of simply vanished. So, like a pleasant summer, fans kind of wrote them off as a fond memory. Then, suddenly, this year and out of nowhere word came that Mari, Trey, and Thane just up and got back together which got everyone in a tizzy. Unfortunately for them, they booked their first Houston show in years on the same night as the Hootenanny at the Mink to many a fan's dismay. Mercifully, they are back for a second show and the lovely thing is it doesn't seem to be a reunion on a lark - the band seems ready to pick up where they left off. So come on down and welcome the trio (and their new drummer) back to their old home, eh?


Friday, May 30

Great Unwashed Luminaries
/ Wood and Felt / Good Night Light & the Red Balloon
@ Notsuoh

Are you up to your gills in guitars? Well, welcome to the land where keyboards and electronics run free. GNL&TRB promise to be the most interesting of the bunch as their compositions have that short and sweet Music for Films "this is a cool idea - let's not have it overstay its welcome" aesthetic.

Old 97's/Hayes Carll
@ The Meridian
Dallas' roots rockin'/alt country favorite sons come south in support of their new album. Woodland's singer/songwriter Hayes Carl opens.

The Dresden Dolls/Smoosh
@ Warehouse Live
For me, there's something a bit contrived about the Dresden Dolls but at the same time I can see their appeal and at the very least it's not the same old tired rock formula so I guess points on that. As for the opening band, a friend of mine loves the Barsuk records' Teen-duo Smoosh but, just listening to the music, I don't get it. The vocals have the kind of phrasing you get to endure during a high school talent show which is perfect for Nickelodeon but beyond that - no. Their lackluster music and skill show the sisters' age but their story is just cute enough to make for an easy story on NPR and the Today Show where nobody asks the obvious question; "Umm, if you are over say 15 (and that's pushing it folks) and you really like this band how creepy are you? Especially if you are a guy!"

The Mother Truckers
@ The Continental Club
The Austin's Roots Rockers have some lovely slide, guitar, and male/female harmonies worthy of the lowliest Texas ice house.

The Defenestration Unit
@ Brasil
Catty-corner from Hollywood and just down the way from Poison Girl you'll find some fine ImprovKrautJazz.

Saturday, May 31

Steve Miller Band/Joe Cocker
@ Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
Yes nostalgia fans, The Joker and it's perplexing "popatus of love" line is indeed a great song but here is the thing - looming out there you know will be that goddamn Abracadabra song. Fuck that song sucks!

Randy Weeks
Allen Oldies Band (3:30PM)
@ Cactus Music
(Free in-store)
This week a singer songwriter and a cutesy oldies band. The usual Cactus record shopping, live music, and free booze thing.

Saturday Secret Show
@ The Shady Tavern
The secret is all about who is playing. Unfortunately JD and Stacey Tucker are tough cookies when it comes to spilling the beans.

Sunday, June 1

The Bellrays / Architects / Suzy Bravo & The Soul Revue
@ Rudyards
This probably ought to be up in the spotlight
just because of The Bellrays. So, you ask, why didn't I include it? Well yes, The Bellrays' live shows always leave people up in arms with their rock and soul hijinks and that is noteworthy but the support on this bill are hard to get worked up about. Still, if history repeats itself The Bellrays will tear the roof off the sucker giving you damn good excuse to show up tired and kranky to work on Monday.

The Defenestration Unit
@ Discovery Green Park

See above

Monday, June 2

Whorehound/The Trian Woodburns
@ Boondocks
Metal Vs. Rootsy Garage. Who will leave victorious? You'll have to go and find out yourself.

Tuesday, June 3

X/Detroit Cobras
@ Warehouse Live
Happy 31st birthday X! Sure it's been 15 years or so since your last album but, since you guys keep busy with solo albums and that Knitters thing, we'll excuse the nostalgia thing and gladly revel in old warhorses like Los Angeles. The Detroit Cobras should also be worth a few hoots as their take on Rock and Soul classics takes them beyond the realm of coverband and into the more esteemed category of interpreters. Yet, I can't help but feel that if you saw the Cobras at Rudz on their last two stops into HTown, you may find yourself missing the intimacy of those earlier shows.

Wednesday, June 4

Matt Costa/Delta Spirit
@ The Meridian

Matt Costa is the kind of project that sounds awful - former skateboard pro does pop songs. Well, the thing is, he's not half-bad at it! Not perfect mind you - Mr. Pitiful kind of chokes on the chorus for example - but it's amusing enough to perk up your ears. The Delta Spirit are sharper on the songwriting and, perhaps because they are an ensemble, seem a lot more fleshed out with the Pop Rock thing by bringing more energy and snappier hooks; you know - them things you love so much in summer.

Thursday, June 5

Total Abuse/El Desmadre/Black Congress
@ The White Swan
Yippee! Hardcore show! Austin's Total Abuse hit hard and fast, Houston's El Desmadre dodge and weave, while Black Congress are so badass they don't post songs or list band members. If I told you that, say, Roy Mata and Chris Ryan were somehow involved, they'd likely kill me right now.

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