So let’s see…

There was Thursday’s In-Store at Cactus by Los Campesinos. Now, I had planned to make the Lazy Horse show at Rudz that night and was supes bummed about missing Titus Andronicus (I heart them).
All My Favorites LIVE!
And then Friday it was back to Cactus for Wild Moccasins’ first ever In-Store. They floated the keg tremendously. I heard that the Fucked Up show was REDICK. Anyone wanna weigh in on that? I’d like to know the deal.
Saturday saw me dragging my old man outta bed to make it to the Secret Saturday Show in Exile (is that okay?) that was scheduled to start by

First up was Ghormeh Sabzi which included Jaime from Giant Princess and Andrew from Wild Moccasins. Ghormeh Sabzi, where have you been all my life!? Seriously. Homeboy, Cameron was throwing down some major Danny J sans-the-baggage sweetness that you should definitely get out there and hear first-hand (which you will have the chance to do February 13th at Notsuoh).
Sew What played second and no doubt Rachel and Cory raise the bar with each performance but they set the limit at INSANITY by being joined by Madilynne Agan (daughter of Welfare Mother’s BC Agan and the ultra-lovely Lacey Bayreuther) on drums. REDICKDANKDONKULOUS.
Playing third were some washed-up never-beens that grasped desperately for cred by allowing the afore-mentioned BC Agan to sit in on the six-string.
Setting the party back on track was one-man-megaband Lucas Gorham, and this was where not just one but BOTH of my cameras died.
I made some feeble attempts at capturing sings with my camera phone, but the sun was heading down and the party was about to essplode…and as bright as sings is, there wasn’t enough light to tell what the heck is going on in the pictures.
Shit was non-stop as Mathletes took to the Tucker’s kitchen. A couple of weeks ago I came clean regarding my distaste for Pavement, but sure enough the Mathletes, the cheeriest dudes in dudedom play “Summer Babe” and remind me “oh yeah, I do like that song!”.
Following Mathletes, the Time Machine Veterans overflowed into the living room rocking their sweet-sweet late-nineties intensities into the sunset.
Closing out the night was a spur-of-the-moment set from The Takes. The Takes spilled their aggro-awesome punk all over the Tucker’s living room just like…the forty they spilled all over the Tucker’s living room.
Did anyone make it out to the
See you tonight at Boondocks.
Ha the "Madilynne knows What." pic is horribly sweet. :)
we attract babies and puppies
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