Riff Tiffs - Houston's most popular seasonal band headlines specializing in shimmering guitars and melodies.
The Eastern Sea - You may not know Austin's Eastern Sea (though they have Houston Ex-pats in their ranks) but you'll enjoy their excellent sense of melody and endearing and smart ass banter.

Electric Attitude - "This band, from Houston, was an energetic bunch. Singer Blake Shepard is young but a born showman, and he romped through his Stooge-y punk-boogie tunes." at least that's what they have on their myspace.
Old Coyote - Austin's Old Coyote play pretty melodic indie pop. Nice stuff.
¡alarma! - Like all good rock and roll, there is something so awesomely trashy about Alarma that makes me shout "AAAALARMAAAAA!"
Lazy Horse - Some of the smartest garagey rock coming out of Houston. We are the Champs indeed!
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