Sunday night at Rudyard's though was a different matter. The Austin cast of Speedy Motorcycle came down to see a play so why not book a musical review of the Speedy Motorcycle (which recently closed in Austin)? Sure. Joe Mathlete, Kathy McCarty, Members of Cat Scientist, Invincible Czars, and others ripped through a solid set of Johnston songs that was fun, loose , and laid back. Maybe it was just me but the upbeat songs like Speeding Motorcycle and Funeral Girl really we're much more fun and engaging than the slow numbers. Nevertheless, the thing was, if you left after the main set you missed out on the real fun which was the encore (or should I say encores) which seemed totally off-the-cuff and a blast. Whereas the main set had most people being quite stoic, the encores eventually led to some righteous dancing and whooping. The whole thing closed with a rip roaring version of Johnston's Rock this Town with everyone singing along to the chorus! Yeah, it was late and I'll be tired this afternoon at work but it was worth it.
Trian Woodburns

Speedy Motorcycle
You can't keep a good musical down!

A reserved moment for the cast

title track was one of the highlights!

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