Friday, October 31, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for the rest of th Week of October 31st, 2008

Continuing on from yesterday's preview.....Here is what is going on for the rest of this Halloween week.

Saturday, November 1st

Old School Punker's The Hates and the Anarchitex the young whippersnappers Delta Block and Room 101.

As Eden Burns (CD Release) / Carry The Storm / Before...There Was Rosalyn / Torsectomy / Feast of Dead Animals
@ Walter's on Washington

Screamy grinding double-kick metal CD release. Yessssss!Dirty Honey, featuring Brett Koshkin & Special Guest
@ Boondocks

DJ's at Boondocks - Wo'd 'ave thunk it.

DANSEPARC presents
A John Waters Halloween
@ Numbers
DJ's Shu and Michael will have you dancin' like Divine on Saturday. Awesomeness!!!!

Mako Sika/Fist of Kong
@ Notsuoh

Improv at it's finest with the mighty Fist of Kong. The funny thing is I didn't realize FOK was still playing at (original) drummer Vaughn Boone had long ago left. So I called the band and they were like "Oh are we playing? Where did you read that?" Eventually it turns out this was set up ages ago. So go figure. Glad I called them up.

Texas Johnny Boy/Milton Hopkins
@ McGonigel's Mucky Duck
Some sweet blues for the first day of November with Lightnin's cousin Milton who's a pretty solid blues guitarist himself.

The Beach Boys
@ Moody Gardens (Galveston)

The Beach Boys get aces points for playin' Galveston. Hooray for them. Very classy cats.

Project H (CD release)/Nothingmore/Mother's Anthem/Dremt The End/Sun Machine
@ Fitzgerald's

This falls under -Meh, it's a CD release so that's the only reason I'm mentioning it.

Sunday November 2nd

Band Camp: Off Line Promotion @ Caroline Collective 1-3PM Free
Learn how to promote yourself...Eh, I'll let Band Camp explain it:

"The topic will be OFFLINE PROMOTION and will be taught by Kerry Melonson of Satin Hooks, B-Boy Craig and Jacob Calle. These three gentlemen will give a talk on promoting using various methods that have nothing to do with the internet. Employing flyering, postering, word-of-mouth, traditional media outlets and subversive methods bands can promote both their brand and their upcoming shows. Following the formal talk the remaining time will be spent mentoring bands one-on-one to evaluate their current promotional methods and develop both short term and long term plans for these promotions.

While Craig, Kerry and Jacob will be leading the session, we ask that other superheroes of offline and street promotion attend this session to ensure that there is a knowledge share between bands and experts as well as a healthy ratio of experts to musical artists. We also look forward to listening to these experts weigh in on best practices alongside the day’s speakers."

Monday, November 3rd

Sista Sekunden/Battle Rifle/PLF/ Fan Death/
@ The White Swan

Swedish Hardcore ass-whoopers Sista Sekuden head off an awesome bill of hardcore which includes the recently back from Europe PLF.

Tuesday, November 4th

Terradactyls/ Wild Moccasins / Buxton
@ Notsuoh
Oh forget the election; this is going to be an amazing bill. I haven't had a chance to check out the Terradactyls but jeez the Wild Moccasins and Buxton -two of Houston's best bands - are reason alone to go.

Savoy Brown
@ McGonigel's Mucky Duck

All you late 60s British blues fans may be interested in this one. Only guitarist Kim Simmonds remains of the original line-up as the rest of the band took a Slow Ride to become Foghat in 1970. Really this is just an excuse to link to a video of Slow Ride which for some inexplicable reason is a song I've always found hilarious and terrible yet somehow charming. I mean seriously those are some awesomely bad lyrics! I'm sure though if it was the 70's and you were driving your airbrushed van with huge quantities of coke and weed this song would be speakign to your very soul.

Wednesday, November 5th

Colour Music / Flowers To Hide / Giant Princess / The Quietest
@ The Mink

Personally I think the press bio for Colour Music is all manufactured bollocks but who cares the music is clever, fun poppy, whimsical and that is all that matters.

The Legendary Pink Dots
@ Warehouse Live

Oh man I know where John Muzak will be tonight! And with good reason as for nigh 3 decades this Anglo-Dutch experimental band has been pumping out some wonderful experimental music that ranges from the melodic to the more dense and textured stuff.

David Dondero
@ Walter's on Washington

Portland singer songwriter David Dondero sings songs about everything from rotisserie chicken to the Rothko Chapel with a conversational style that seems like a very nice chell way to spend your Wednesday night

Thursday, November 6th

Deerhoof / Experimental Dental School / Flying
@ Numbers

California's super fun indie popsters Deerhoof are one of those bands whose charms are impossible to resist. Upbeat and clever without being self conscious and bassist Satomi Matasuzaki's vocals just the sweetest.

And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead / Heist at Hand / Spain Colored Orange @ Warehouse Live
Austin Melodic rockers AYWKUBTTOOD return with local faves Heist and Hand and Spainc Coloured Orange.

Cro-Mags /Iron Age / Your Mistake / Roots of Exile / On My Side
@ Walter's on Washington

Holy Shit? Like the old early 80's Hare Krishna metal/hardcore band from New York? That band? they're still around? Awesome!

Aunt Dracula / TENSE / How I Quit Crack / :kai / ros: /dj suzi puke
@ The Mink
Aunt Dracula makes you wonder "Just how weird is Philly?" but in a good way. Tense is always fun and look who is DJing? Suzi Puke! Woooo, welcome back Domokos!!!!!!

The Halloween Live Show Olympics...


Long Live the Dead,
featuring Dannzig (Misfits/Samhain/Danzig tribute), The Monocles, News on the March, Wild Moccasins, & Young Mammals
@ Walter's on Washington
$8 with costume $10 without
I remember back when Jeoaf over at Walter's was telling me how he was going to really put on one amazing show for Halloween. I just kind of scratched my head wondering what he could pull off. Well, he seems to have accomplished his goal with flying colors. Opening is Young Mammals doing an encore of their show stopping Pixies set from the first Hootenanny. The 2008 kings of the pop scene - The Wild Moccasins - follow with what will surely be a high-energy set that will have you dancing and smiling. News on the March - on the rise with their brand of harmonious pop with a touch of country swing - will follow. I hope their sound is a s good as the last time I saw them at Walter's; that cello was sweeet! The Monocles will lay down some fine awe inspiring garage and have you shouting MONOCLES! MONOCLES! MONOCLES! (Sorry I just like writing monocles monocles monocles!) Finally, if you found the Glenn Danzig show earlier this week at House of Blues weak, send in the Jon Benet to the rescue! They will perform as various Glenn Dannzig bands! How can that line-up possibly fail?

Superawesome Bonus Points: One Free Keg and a special News On The March/Monocles split 7" at the door while supplies last. I, for one, have been stoked about this 7" since I first heard of it. Probably the smartest pairing on 7" of wax imaginable. I'll be there early just to grab a copy.


Rusted Shut (12" release) / The Homopolice
@ Sound Exchange (8PM, free)
*poster edited because your IT Department sucks.

Wow I'd written a whole paragraph on this but Emperor Jones' comment on Homopolice's Myspace was too awesome not to reprint. Here it is in it's entirety:

"OMG like totally like wow Crusted Shit with a 12"??? OMG vinyl!!! They're doing doing that??? That is soooo cool, there's not NEARLY eanough "cool" "artists" doing vinyl these days, like OMG!!!

Fuck fake poser faggot, Dawn Welch thinks he's a fuckin rock star the biggest fakest phoniest richboy yankee cunt in H-Town. Big fuckin deal that 11 years later, some stupid "session" you did finally came out on wax. You losers will never be taken seriously by anyone who is not insane, so go ahead and have tatooed "punks" and ex-hipster now-alcoholic mid-30s junkies and all those other LOSERs that cum at your shows (all 15 of them), g'head mate. And then may you, Rusted Shut, die a slow and painful death.

Anyone ever heard that Hungarian vagina "DomeAPose"'s "side project" crust electro glitch new wave horseshit? Worst music I've ever heard in my life. He should also be lashed before slashed."
Wow! Awesomeness!


Indie Houston & Caroline Collective's
Final Fridays Halloween Show
Music by Listenlisten, Robert Ellis, and Phillip Foshee
Improv Theatre by Scatter! and Bootown,
@ Caroline Collective (4820 Caroline St.)
$5 and Beer Provided by Saint Arnolds

Ok, let's See. Killer squirrel munching on human remains that it no doubt slaughtered. OK. Weird and a bit disturbing but very Halloweeny. Who do we have here? Let's see... Listenlisten - Oooooh that's a very cool and chill way to kick off your Halloween. Plus the acoustic stylings of Robert Ellis and Phillip Foshee - dude I am so chill now that I dunno if I can really be ready to fight those zombies hoardes like I planned. Ahhh, and there's also some improv theatre from Bootown and Scatter. Should be neat. Aaaaan oh yes Free Beer! Well you do have to Pay a fiver to get in but free in the after entrance price free. Wooo! Oh, and did I mention that the Indie Houston Site is up and running and it looks pretty sweet. You shoudl check it out.


Horror Business, featuring
Fredster, Damon, & Bobby DJ
@ Boondocks

DJs at Boondocks are you scared yet?

Creepshow II Halloween Party, featuring
Hollywood Black, The Goods, & Slivered
@ Rudyard's
Mia Kat all stars at Rudz. Not very creepy but we aren't complaining.

Willie Nelson/Mary McBride
@ House of Blues

Willie! Freaking Willie Nelson - There is no Holiday that cannot be improved by the inclusion of Willie.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Woooo Something Fierce's New Album Preview.

We just saw this on Hands Up Houston this morning and thought we'd share in case you missed it. Something Fierce's songwriting and performance skills have put them at the top of the pop-punk heap. If you've missed their 7" Modern Girl and Teenage Ruins earlier in the past year then you missed out on some of the best waxy goodness to rise out of the Bayou. Luckily you poor turntable-less folks won't miss out too much longer as it seems those singles will be part of the new full length. So enjoy, we'll be back to reviewing live shows next Monday.

Here is Steven Garcia's accompanying text:

The new album is inching closer toward finality, and we'd like you all to be as excited as we are in it's coming.It will be entitled, "There Are No Answers" and will be released in December 2008.

This video is not only a preview to the upcoming release but also a look back at the last 2 1/2 years that we've been writing and refining the songs between "Come For The Bastards" and this, our sophomore, full-length. We've shared some of the finest moments of our lives together, and we've been lucky enough to meet some of you along the way.

Thank you for being a part of this band,

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for the rest of the week of October 24th


Sunday October 26th
Vicente Fernandez
@ Toyota Center
Attention Wild Moccasins, check out the VF 'stache. Yes that's right Nick, Cody, and both the Andrews this is no wee 'stache but a huge manly one that could likely join forces with his awe inspiring brow and take on some Banditos then turn around and woo the loveliest Señorita all by themselves while Vicente relaxes back in his Rancho. With his awesome sombrero and horse at the ready I wouldn't be surprised if Vicente wisked away Zahira into the sunset (watch out Cody!!!). But dig it, Vicente has been singing Ranchera and starring in Mexican Films since before we were born and he takes his devotion to his commitment to his audience pretty seriously. He famously and emotionally followed through with a show on the day his father died and even took a $30,000 fine from a venue in Miami for going over the scheduled time. How's that for devotion to your audience. So while there are some pretty awesome smaller shows out there, this week we're going to say "Viva El Rey De Las Rancheras!"


Saturday, October 25

Pressure Crack (1pm). Back Sabbath (2pm), Tolar (3pm), Akkolyte (4pm), Unit 21 (5pm), Ramming Speed (6pm), Ecocide (7pm), Vorvadoss (8pm), Kill The Client (9pm), Dissent (10pm), Resigned to Fate (11pm), Stormcrow (12am), Spazm 151 (1am)
@ Emory, TX
Day Two of the previously discussed camping and grind/punk fest. We're just psyched about Dissent playing - they are pretty pummeling in their awesomeness!

Spain Colored Orange / Program / Paris Falls
@ Rudyard's

Hugely popular trumpeting popsters Spain Coloured Orange are back and they are bringing with them Program and the show stealing Paris Falls opening. God I hope PF brings their light show - it rules!

Ladyheat / Electric Attitude / Elaine Greer
@ Notsuoh

Hooray Elaine Greer - one example why Houston's talent pool should be envied. Oh yes, and remember to bring chips for Travis (her bassist); he likes chips.

Sever The Silence / Devoured By Darkness / All The Way To The Bank / Last Rosary / Diminished / Supremacy
@ Walter's on Washington

I wonder how many times Frank Oz sits there pissed that he never gets a dime in royalties much less recognition for his contribution to metal.

Reprogram Music / Multimedia and friends -present:
Spellbound dance party, art show and costumed bash
with djs inside + patio: Ceeplus Bloody Knives / Dj Cuba Gooding Jr. / Dj Dayta + Squincy Jones Reverberation Djs / On Hiatus / Prkl8r + more tba
Live performance by: //TENSE//

Art Show curated by: J. Paul Jackson
Death Head / Miguel C. / Ross Mohr / Lindsey Ball / Lillian Barrera and more...
Hosted by: Yougenious

@ Longhorn Cafe
Jeez that is one long listing!!!!!! But you get the idea.

Sunday, October 26 benefit
featuring Japanther, Killer Dreamer, American Sharks, The Mathletes, Grrrl Parts, Fat Tony
@ Caroline Collective (4820 Caroline)
starts at 4PM $6.00

Drum and electronics pop duo Japanther may be fun and catchy but they still can't make synchronized swimming cool (link). That's OK they'll be playing at Caroline Collective where they will be far far far away from any man made swimming holes. Party party American Sharks should cause quite a fury. The Joe Mathletic brainy pop songs about robots and unicorns coming from the Mathletes should make you feel like the creative lazy-ass you are. Oh sure the Simpsons got a record deal ages ago but who'd have known that Springfield's resident mob boss would kick out such booty shakin' jams?

They Who Sound Presents
Sandy Ewen and Chuck Roast
@ Avant Garden (6PM)
This week's TWS presents two sets of improvised music. You may recognize the name Chuck Roast from Vinyl Edge and KTRU's Genetic Memory, well here is your chance to this Houston icon perform live.

Rabid Rabbit (ex-Electric Set)/A Thousand Cranes
@ Walter's on Washington

Rabid Rabbit is a heavy trio who should like a slow sludgy haze of sonic pot smoke from one pretty damn heavy gravity bong. A Thousand Cranes are the results of a scientific experiment where all band members were raised solely on the music of Florian Frike and made to fend for themselves with low-fi equipment. We'll call this experiment a success.

Polysics / Jaguar Love / Black Gold
@ The Meridian

Japanese Devo-tees Polysics sure have some neat jumpsuits but they ain't got nothin' on Vicente Vernandez.

Monday, October 27

Shang-a-lang / God Equals Genocide / Dude Jams / Matadors of Shame
@ The Mink
(FREE 21+ Doors 8 Bands 9)
High energy poppy garagey New Mexico dudes who have the balls to name themselves after a bête noire Bay City Rollers song.

The Thief & The Architect
@ Boondocks
Boondock's Monday night series.

Tuesday, October 28

Magnolia Electric Co. / David Vandervelde / Tre Orsi
@ Walter's on Washington

Jason Molina's brand of Americana is always a treat.

Danzig/Dimmu Borgir/Moonspell/Winds of Plague/Skeletonwitch @ House of Blues

The great literary critic Glen Danzig will be giving a lecture tonight at the House of Blues.

Wednesday, October 29

Greg Ashley/Black Black Gold
@ Cactus Music
Much like the show on Thursday (see below) but you can shop while you listen.

Lover! /
Black Black Gold / The Caprolites
@ The Mink

Rich Reatard (Lost Sounds, Reatards, Knaughty Knights, American Death Ray) and Greg Roberson (ex-Reigning Sound and the final version of Arthur Lee's LOVE) drop some 60's garage pop. Toss in the International Artists psych of BBG and the pasadena garageers The Caprolites and you have one very groovy show. Not sure if it's true but the Caprolites think that Greg Ashley is playing this too.

TV On The Radio / The Dirtbombs
@ House of Blues

I'll grant you it's a good bill but I'd rather see the Dirtbombs in a stinky club with vile restrooms.

Thursday, October 30

Greg Ashley/Airon Paul Dugas/Black Black Gold
@ JD Tucker's House at 901 Eleanor (BYOB)

Houston's freaky neo-Texas psychedelia ex-pat Greg Ashley return to Houston is always a treat. Sure it been years since Houston's Mirrors broke-up but he carries the torch lit by that band on the West Coast. Local Folkie Airon Paul Dugas has been raising lots of ears over the last few months with his earnest and emotive performances. Speaking of Texas psychedelia, Black Black Gold channel that early Texas psych to the point where if someone told you this was a long lost International Artists band you might actually fall for it.

Burn The Boats / Hell City Kings / Dickey Hands / Jewel Rifle
@ Rudyard's

Hell City Kings - always a hoot.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for Friday October 24, 2008

Friday, October 24
OK what the hell is with you, Friday? Talk about front-loading a week! OK fine! I'll give you all of today and plug the rest of the week Saturday morning. For today here is what the citizens of Montrose will have to choose between.

Health / The McKenzies / B L A C K I E / The Wiggins / Female Demand / Rusted Shut / The Krinkles
@ Notsuoh
(Doors 8PM)
Ok let's face it, the Wednesday deluge totally mucked things up. Robert from Indie Houston messaged me to tell me that The McKenzies were stranded then Omar said Health was stuck and soon the whole thing fell apart thanks the the wrath of mother nature. But you can't keep a good show down and now it's back and with a vengeance. Still only ten bucks but now (as if to thumb our noses at the gods) the show comes with the the sonic brutality of everyone's favorite lovable scumbags Rusted Shut plus the melodic early punky styling of the Krinkles. Man, it's going to be a freaking zoo on Main!
Here is the order as of 3:15Pm today.
Female Demand
The Wiggins
Muzak John
Rusted Shut
plus 4 more bands (maybe)

Pierced Arrows / Rustler / Motion Turns It On
@ Rudyard's

Fans of the eternally cool Dead Moon were pretty bummed when the band called it quits after 20 years. Of course, we didn't believe it could be so - after all, the band had seemed to be one of rock's purest expression of angsty driving rock and roll jitters - and clearly Fred and Toody Cole weren't buying it either because here they are with their new band Pierced Arrows ripping it like the Dead Moons never died. To make this even more cool you have the ever clever Rustler who were wowing audiences a few months back with their instrumental whimsy only to disappear into the aether. Well, they're back too! Motion Turns It On is a band that likely couldn't stop if it wanted to. Like a shark, it has to move or die. And move they do with a wild crazy abandon of frenetic instrumentals that will leave you as breathless as running a marathon.

Art Opening:
Philip Durbin's A Coarse Portal
@ ArtStorm

with DJ Ceeplus Bad Knives and PRKL8R
@ Artstorm inside Caroline Collective (4828 Caroline St.)

I'm not an art critic; all I know is there is free beer. I kid of course! There is more to Artstorm openings than just free beer. Artstorm openings are always great fun and the music tonight along with Philip Durbin's "compilation of psychedelic paintings, prints and wearable art" will be a good way to kick off your evening. C'mon! How can you not go?!! OK, if for some inexplicable reason you can't make it out for the opening, note that the exhibition is on view from October 24 through November 22, 2008. Got it? Good.

Branch Dividian (1am), Trifle Tower (12am), Rageous Bros (11pm - last show), Warcola, Pools, Vaste Burai
@ Emory, Texas

So you want to leave town, whip out the camping equipment, and wear black? Hey, you are in luck! No Thanks Fest is "An annual DIY fest on 1200 acres of beautiful land in Emory Texas with camping the entire weekend". Yes that's right! 1,200 acres circle pit - your dreams have come true. (Check out Saturday's line up with the ever awesome Dissent.)

Watain / Withered / Book of Black Earth / Ritual Killer
@ Walter's on Washington

Aww, just look at 'em. Aren't they simply adorable? Swedish Black Metal band Watain celebrates 10 years of blood, Satan, and, ya know, all that dark stuff. Just the stuff to rock when yr. blogging at 3am.


Mechanical Boy (CD release)/Thee Armada/The Last Place You Look/Velora/The Tastydactyls
@ Fitzgerald's
We always try to mention music release shows.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Take 5 with Health

Photo Ulrike Biets (Link)

Health is a furious mix of drums, noisy guitars, and electronics. Being a band that can shift into a slow smooth groove then abruptly jump into a jittery beat or plow into a noisy hail of beats and sound, their songs have a disjointed unity in construction that makes the whole thing seem to barely hold together yet somehow they do and in this very adventurous way that leaves the audience unprepared as to where they are going next. Check out their first eponymous album to hear the band in its more raw and frenzied state but if you prefer something a bit more ass-shakin', fear not, the band has kindly provided you with a remix album, //DISCO - allowing myself and Omar to get all fisticuffs as to which is the better album. (Mind you, Omar has far better dance moves than I so we both have our inherent biases.) Call them an ADD band if you must but one thing is for sure: theirs is a band dynamic that makes for an exiting live show. And what luck, the LA quartet is performing tonight, Wednesday Oct. 22nd, at Numbers with The McKenzies, B L A C K I E, The Wiggins, and Female Demand. Health's John Famiglietti (Bass, Zoothorn, and Percussion) was kind enough to play five question and pass his ZZ Top Quiz with flying colors.

1 - 2) How do you approach composing these songs and how did the band evolve that sound?

JOHN: The evolution was not planned. When the band first came together we had no idea what we wanted to play we were just all very passionate about making music etc. We first began writing much more traditional songs all guitar based and really hated it. Desperate to do something new we began recklessly experimenting. Writing songs via written diagrams, and concepts, etc. Also nothing is random, we practice this shit over and over until its tight.

3) How do you see the songs differing in sound and approach when they are played live when compared to the album?

JOHN: They're supposed to be the same. But I'm often told they're completely different...certain production flourishes were taken with the album but the songs are the same. I think the recording sound we adopted inhibited alot of the brutality of the songs live accidentally. We wanna fix this with the next album (recording analog in a studio). Also live, songs always end up much faster, we don't plan it, we just get amped. Also volume is the key. The album is intended to be listened to at a very high volume. Live, you cant turn it down.

4) The drums are one of the highlights if not my favorite aspect on the first album. They are the engine that frantically pushes the band of the rails on songs like say Crimewave. The remix album on the other hand entirely misses this and dumbs down that material. What is the point of the remix album when the original material was so unique and spot-on?

JOHN: Whoa. Loaded. The remixes and //DISCO as a project are supposed to exist completely separate from the original material. One of the worst things about most remixes is that they cheapen the original and detract from the album. //DISCO is its own thing, and we chose remixers that would make a new song that would live on its own on the dancefloor.*

5) Your music clearly has a limited appeal – I don't see Zoothorns or Crimewave hitting the top 40 pop charts – yet, despite this, you guys have been very successful with your album and live shows in regards to how well it has been received by music fans and critics. Why do you think this music is so off-putting to so many other people – what are they missing?

JOHN: Its been very surprising, we never expected this warm reaction to abrasive music. We don't want to be a niche band, were trying to be what we imagine a modern hard rock band should be. We will never lessen the intensity, but I think with certain structuring (i.e. more repetition) we can rope the unconverted. I'm sure of it. People will rock again.

Bonus ZZ Top Question: Which member of ZZ Top does not sport a beard?

Bonus: Frank Beard of course. I saw a pic of Billy Gibbons the other day and dude was SKINNY as hell!!!!!

Health perform with The McKenzies, B L A C K I E, The Wiggins, and Female Demand at Numbers $10 Doors at 8:30PM (Poster by Michael Rodriguez)

Oh and here is a video from Pitchfork TV:


*Band Camp 101: Note John didn't get huffy but with humor and grace defended the album well. Kudos. And for the record, Omar loves Health's //Disco.

May the Force of Garage Rock Pizza Be With You!

Mention it before I did:
Jack Of Heart & Welfare Mothers
@ SoundExchange

But mention not Free Pizza I did! (Wooo!) Journey to Numbers to see the awesome Health show at Numbers you must! But free food and beer at Sound Exchange, also a must. There is no try, there is only do!

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Music Crumudgeon's preview for the Week of October 17, 2008

The show we hate the most.

Saturday October 18th
Commerce Street Arts Foundation Benefit
The Jonbenet / A Dream Asleep / Balaclavas / Basses Loaded / Bridge & Tunnel
2215 Commerce St.
$10 8PM
Complimentary Food and Drinks. Plus Fire Spinners, Belly Dancers, Aerosol Warfare Installation, and Body Painting.

This week we swam in shows whose sauce was indeed awesome but we have to go with the one show that we hate most. Why do we hate it? Is it because it's for a great cause? No, that's a good thing. Commerce Street has been a Houston institution and the idea of trying to raise money to buy it from the current owners is a noble one. Is it the Jon Benet's heavy ass shows, the passionate performances of Balaclavas, or the fact that Eric I Heart U added Bridge and Tunnel to this bill at the last minute? No way, those are all awesome and great! What? The complimentary food & drinks, fire spinners, and Art? No, also mostly cool (admittedly the body painting is pretty passe). Oh wait, Basses Loaded is playing their last show? Yes! That's it! Here are one of Houston's most inventive and clever bands. A band could be a one note gimmick but instead actually shines because of great musicianship and they can write some pretty great songs. Why they are calling it quits is their business but for us it is a dark day in Houston. Go and see them as this will be your last chance and they are really really that good!


Friday, October 17th

Tambersauro (record release) / listenlisten / Eat Grapes / Hollywood Black
@ The Mink (8PM, $5)

Oh man this is sweetness. Tambersauro's new album is like the holy grail of prog and if you saw them at the block party you'd know how crazy they can be with their time signatures and performance. Toss in the neo-folk listenlisten and Eat Grapes (Tyler from the ever brilliant Balaclavas) and you've got yourself one sweet show. Oh hell, let's throw in the ever popular Hollywood Black too. Why not?

Wicked Poseur/ The Secret Prostitutes / The Homopolice
@ 2220 Commerce

Ouch! That's cool local show number 2 for this Friday. First ya got the Beau Beasley Spain Coloured Orange tribute band - The Homopolice. Coolness! That's followed by the Chris Ryan fueled Secret Prostitutes. Super awesome coolness! Then Arthur Bates/Chris Cascio kill you as Wicked Poeseur. Super mega awesome coolness raised to the 20th power!

Opeth / High on Fire / Baroness / Burn the Boats (aftershow)
@ Warehouse Live

How do you make a name for yourself in Sweedish metal? Yeah you could got all goth, burn a church, kill your bassist or whatnot but that's so passe. Hey, here's an idea add some acoustic guitars, some piano, and why not just put a picture of a pretty orchid. Well, too bad Opeth did that 13 years ago so yr gonna have to come up with something else by yourself.

Bart Davenport / Elaine Greer
@ Walter's on Washington
Oakland lounge/soul/popster Bart Davenport goes head to head with one of our finest folky pop grande dames - Elaine Greer.

Barkus Sly & the Golden Egg / We Both Know / Feast of Dead Animals / Mako / Komarov / Stasis.Death
@ Notsuoh
Ooooh Barkus has some sweet crazy screamy metallic punky prog action going on. Nice! The rest of this bill looks promising too.

The Backsliders / Electric Attitude / Lucas Gorham
@ Rudyard's
Lucas killed at the block party with his improv slide guitar and later in the Satin Hooks doin' that throat thing. I dunno if he's going the experimental/improv route or the more straight rock but is should be worth showing up early for if you're headed out to this one.

Reverend Horton Heat / Asleep at the Wheel / Gary Clark Jr. / Whiskey River Revival
@ House of Blues
Meh. Reverend Horton Heat are OK, I guess, and Asleep at the Wheel play some nice Texas swing and Whiskey River Revival....Wait! isn't that the lead singer for Hell City Kings doing some lap-steel driven country? Awesome.

Saturday, October 18

Bring Back The Guns / Bridge & Tunnel
@ The I Heart U Space (7397 Ashcroft)
Wooo BBTG at the I Heart U space. Their Block Party show was pretty loose and rollickin' fun. New York's Bridge and Tunnel play some nice indie pop with some lovely melodic and fluid guitar work. So this should be pretty sweet.

Wanda Jackson
@ The Continental Club

Hot Damn! Miss Let's have a Party herself, Wanda Jackson, was doin' Rockabilly back when it wasn't considered very ladylike to do so. She may be gettin' on in years but I hear she done puts on a fine show even to this day.

The Golden Boys / Guitars / Black Black Gold
@ Rudyard's
This just popped out of nowhere. Dallas pop punk band the Golden Boys with the Monocles/Alarma/Lenny Briscoe mash-up Guitars and the Texas Psych sounds of Black Black Gold. Way to try to sneak a solid show under our radar, but it won't work!

Girl Talk / Hearts of Darkness / Grand Buffet
@ Warehouse Live

Yay Girl Talk and his copyright-lawyer aneurysm inducing mash ups. Oh and it's all ages and free if you go to their sponsor's website (Link)

DemonFest 2008, featuring
Temple of Wrath, Blind Sanctity, Burn The Wicked, Last Rosary, Agony Within,Lycophile, Bloodvoid, El Desmadre, Burnt Face Jack, Cerebral Down, Cain Was Able, Blunt30, Fleshhook,Krankshaft, Ethreal, Synikal, & Bitchslicer
@ Broadway Billiards (Pasadena)

OK Normally I keep my shows within the loop but I have to mention this metal fest because you have the following words DemonFest, Broadway, Billiards, and Pasadena just thrown out there as if that isn't one seriously weird juxtaposition. PS. El Desmadre is playing. Yesssss!.

House of Blues Grand Opening,
featuring The Blues Brothers Formal Classic Revue
@ House of Blues

Hey remember the scene in Animal House with the folk singer in the staircase? John Belushi where are you when we need you?

Monday, October 20th

The Ton Tons / Flowers to Hide
@ Boondocks

Yes, the Ton Tons are back! YESSSSS!!!!! Need I say any more? OK it's free. More, you say? OK Flowers to Hide opens. Now go.

The Ting Tings / The Watermarks
@ House of Blues

Cute melodic dancey guilty pleasure of the week direct from the UK.

Tuesday, October 21st

Jordan / This Year's Tiger / Barkus, Sly, and the Golden Egg / Fire Team Charlie
@ Walter's on Washington ($7)
Well this might be good or this might be bad but Myspace is jacking with me with that damn "scan your PC for viruses" advert that I can't believe they allow. Oh wait it's myspace! Well hey they came all the way from France, I'll mention it.

Janet Jackson/LL Cool J
@ Toyota Center
Wardrobe malfunction queen and the white-stick deodorant king take you on a trip on the wayback machine.

Wednesday, October 22nd

Jack Of Heart & Welfare Mothers
@ SoundExchange

Wooo Garage rock straight from France and the Welfare Mothers to boot!!! Seriously, If you don't go. I am so hating you. This is going to be increduble and it will cost you is nothing...though really you should throw-in some money in when they pass the hat. The great thing is after this show you can then go to....

Health / The McKenzies / B L A C K I E / The Wiggins / Female Demand
@ Numbers
A friend of mine from New Zealand went raving about Health and I can see why with the whole furious drumming, the crazy guitar action, and the furious energy of their recordings, you just have to know this is going to be great live. But the whole bill is just as hot. Check it The McKenzies whose pop could not be stopped by a power outage at the Block Party, B L A C K I E who always steals the Block Party with his buddies Cop Warmth, the ever endearing Wiggins with his futuristic-retro pop, and Female Demand who seemed to get a lot of high praise from people I spoke with at the Block Party. Oh yeah and we have something to do with this. :P

Thursday, October 23rd

The Bermondsey Joyriders (ex-Cock Sparrer/Chelsea) / Born Liars
@ Rudyard's

Ya gotta love Cock Sparrier (Gary Lamming's old band back in the day). Not only were they hugely influential in the proto-punk days but they gave Malcolm McClaren the finger when he offered to sign them. Why? That bastard wanted them to cut their hair and didn't buy them a round of beers. That story just melts my old-punk heart. Opening are Born Liars who carry that old snotty torch with pride.

Butthole Surfers / Whorehound
@ The Meridian

Hey remember when Gibby Hanes used to come down to Lexington to score heroin? Ha, yeah good times. Oh hey, look, Whorehound is opening. Awesome!

Weezer / Angels and Airwaves / Tokyo Police Club
@ Reliant Arena

Weezer. There I said it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Band Camp - We propose some topics too hot for those poseurs!

Band Camp is coming to Caroline Collective this Sunday October 9th. I say fuck that noise. Ian Wells, Phillip Beck, and Matt Wettergreen are totally overlooking the real issues facing the Houston Music Community. So, we're having our own band camp next month at the Ferrel's Ice Cream Parlour in Almeda Mall. It will be an entire day of real talk that is unflinching in its gaze at the Houston music community. Here is a listing of our speakers and some of the topics they will be discussing in depth:

Ramon Medina (Free Press Houston / undisclosed band)
  • Who is bringing beer to rehearsal?
  • What happened to our band fund?
  • Where to score weed for Sebadoh!
  • Beau Beasely says "Have no idea what The Wild Moccasins sound like but their singer looks amazing. Sold." Does he mean Zahira or Cody?

    Marshall Preddy (Bright Men Of Learning)
  • Smoke machine or Dry Ice? SHADOWS OR FOG"
  • Understanding footwear trends: Why New Balance are still the choice for Bands Who Love America!

    Steven Garcia (Something Fierce)
  • Dude, I didn't even wake up until after lunch. 5a.m. drive from Austin! It's also my birthday and apparently Niki is cooking everyone some excellent breakfast tacos! YESSSSSSSSSS!

    Matt Brownlie (Bring Back The Guns)
  • All The Unclaimed [FFG] Gear In Our Practice Space: How much do you think we could get for it?

    Justin Crane (NonAlignment Pact/ Ex-Jessica Six/ Ex-TRU Local Show)
  • Adjusting your expectations: What to do when you realize that nobody recognizes your genius.

    Ryan ADR Clark (The Skyline Network)
  • Style and Beauty: There's a reason one of them is named after Beau.
  • Practicing: It's hard not to be a shitty band when you're a shitty band.

    Rosa Guerrero (Mutant Hardcore Flower Hour/ Ditchwater Records)
  • Did you get the memo? How not knowing the difference between a circle pit and a mosh pit can make you "false".
  • Step by Step Authenticity: How make an "old school" punk rock flyer.
  • Moshi-moshi: How to pick up and phone and invite people to your show.

    Beau Beaseley (Homopolice/ AG82)
  • Don Walsh or Jandek?

    Chris Cascio (Wicked Poseur)
  • someone gives you a hit of acid before you play. is it wrong to start tripping before you play, or is it a requisite?

    April 5k (Alarma / Guitars)
  • How many guitars does Guitars need to truly be guitars?
  • What is the minimum amount of novelty a band must display in order to be accepted as a "must see" band in this town?
  • What is the ratio of cover songs to likability for a Houston band?
  • How much time do you have to spend doing blow with promoters before they start to hand over spots on the big shows?

    Ben Murphy (Bright Men Of Learning/Tody Castillo)
  • Why no number of flyers posters or myspace bulletins will make your band good.

    Melissa Lonchambon (Sharks and Sailors)
  • Shirt right-side out? Or inside out?

  • Band Camp Runs from 12-5pm at Caroline Collective this Sunday October 19th More info at

    Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Take Five with Awesome Color

    Remember that scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey where the ape approaches the monolith, grabs a jawbone, then proceeds to mercilessly slaughter the rival tribe of apes? If you can imagine being on the receiving end of the jawbone, that is pretty much what I got when I saw Awesome Color last year. The band just played with a cro-mag fury that left you stunned and helpless. Derek Stanton’s guitar played with a chaotic fury while bassist Michael Troutman held down a heavy-ass raga in the dirty muddy lowlands and drummer Allison Busch pounded her kit with a precise assault that was as powerful as it was frightening. That and they were fucking loud and could hold down some of the most deadly grooves you could imagine! They were less a rock band than a tsunami. They seemed not mere mortals but a force of nature.

    This week this force of nature returns for a fourth visit to the space city where, tonight at the Mink, you can experience it for yourself. Thankfully, the mini-van driving/skateboarding power-up trio whose new album Electric Aborigines is out now on Ecstatic Peace were kind to agree to play five questions with us.

    1) First lets talk about tone. Last I saw you guys, Derek had this three combo amp set-up with the most insane "Ron Asheton would weeping it's so good" tone I'd ever heard. How did you come up with that set-up and can you discuss the importance of tone in Rock?

    Derek: I use a small 15 watt Gibson amp. No pedals. That's how I like it. The small amps break up easier and get more sustain, depending on the amp, at low volumes. Also I can fit it into a mini van. I also use a small Vox practice amp and hold it close to my pick ups for crazy feedback and use it like a pick. I haven't seen anyone else do this in the same manner. Ron Asheton uses a Marshall stack and a wah wah, we sound nothing alike*. but it's important to have a tone you like; it makes you play better. I might switch it up to a louder bigger amp one day, but at the moment we cannot afford to drive anything bigger than a mini van.

    2) Volume! You guys are fucking loud . I mean reeeeeally fucking loud. I mean like really really fucking loud. What's your freaking problem?

    We are not a loud band in practice. Our equipment is small but sounds nasty. Hopefully the sound guys keep turning it up, until we can afford those Marshall stacks.

    3 & 4) Allison is a fucking amazing drummer she just holds this tight backbeat and just never lets up and she beats the shit out of her poor kit to the point where it almost upstages the rest of the band. She's not pulling any fancy polyrythms or anything like that but she plugs away with an uncompromising Charlie Watts precision...well if Watts was a gorilla. What did your drums ever do to you? Can you talk about the merits of "simple" drumming that emphasizes feel over flashy technique?

    Allison: I don't really think about it. It's more fun to play hard and fast. I just try to play along with Derek & Michael and get a killer rhythm going.

    5) Your songs tend to focus on the Chimp Rock by which I mean primal knuckle-scraping music that circumvents the rational and logical side of your brain and jumps straight to that caveman gray matter. Can you elaborate on music connecting straight on this abstracted emotional level that is of-the-moment as opposed to say Rush?

    Michael: Focusing on knuckle-dragging seems like an oxymoron. That said, I'm a big fan of Kudgel, the original Chimp-rockers. Playing music to FEEL good is also what we're about

    Bonus ZZ Top Question) Billy Gibbons used to come to a bookstore where I worked on occasion to buy African Art books. He gave me a ZZ Top Key Chain and explained to me the origin. What is the ZZ TOP design based on?

    AC: Reminds us of lightning bolts.**

    Awesome Color perform Tuesday October 14th with Paris Falls, Guitars, and Bobby DJ @ The Mink. That's tonight!!!

    Photography by Stefano Giovannini (

    Awesome Color on Myspace (Link)
    Awesome Color (Link)
    Ecstatic Peace (Link)

    *Just to clarify, my question was never intended to suggest any comparison in tone. I was just saying Asheton would break down and cry like a girl from the goodness of the tone. That being said, I do think that there is a Stooges Funhouse
    quality to the playing. Not so much in a particular tone and definitely not in composition but I'm talking more that unrelenting T.V. Eye kind of energy from a riff that never lets up. I love when someone pulls that shit off. One thing though I never realized until now was the fact that I've been misspelling Ron Asheton's name as Ashton since high school. Nutters!

    **Answer: Awesome Color are actually close. According to Gibbons, it was based on Shango the Yorùbá god of thunder and lightening. Congratulations Awesome Color we'll call that a win.

    Monday, October 13, 2008

    Music with Jameson & Lone Star: Fall Westheimer Blockparty 10/11/2008

    I hope you guys had as much fun as I had this Saturday. I sure had a blast listening to great music, running into just about everyone I know, and it's nice to see Westheimer with some hustle and bustle on its sidewalks.

    Some highlights? OK! The Wild Moccasins played a great show outside Mango's on a rickety stage that seemed to be on the verge of collapse from all the hopping and general Moccasins shenanigans. The added amusement for me was watching as my very serious and artistically minded six-year-old tried in futility to find a spot on stage stable enough for him to draw the five popsters. Damn it, how can I express myself artistically if you guys keep hopping around up there! Hearing Paul Winstanley and Lucas Gorham perform outside La Strada was wonderful too. I hadn't heard Paul take a bass guitar to the edge like that in ages and it was wonderful and challenging to hear it again. Also fun was the (this time official) Cop Warmth and B L A C K I E gorilla set. Cop Warmth, for the uninitiated, is the musical equivalent of children running around the playground in pure chaotic frenzied joy. My favorite moment of the set was when Craig, running into the audience, made a woman squeal in fright. B L A C K I E meanwhile doesn't so much a rap as spout words like a steel-driver laying down iron with every ounce of energy at his disposal. Balaclavas, at the acoustically pleasing space behind the Austin Layne Hotel, performed one of the best sets of the day as they kicked-out amazing new material that reminded you just how unique their sound is and how furious their shows can be. How they are not one of Houston's biggest draws, I'll never understand. Over at Mango's, as we were waiting for Tambersauro, we got some drama as some drunk Asian woman was challenging another woman to some fisticuffs. Unfortunately, the fisticuffs did eventually occur outside but while no one was getting hurt, it was pretty amusing theatre of the absurd. Tambersauro though wasn't about to be upstaged by a lone drunk and proceeded to tear into a raging set that almost made me forget that I was trying to see five bands in that time slot. Luckily a friend who knew this, poked me and pointed to her watch. Thanks mon ami! The McKenzies were quite a sight surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd of fans who had joined them on stage. Ah, those Houston pop bands sure know how to work-up a crowd. Buxton closed out the outdoor shows with an amazing set that had the entire crowd at the Austin Layne Hotel enraptured. After the first set, the audience clearly wanted more and thankfully JD (Secret Saturday Shows, Guitars, Lenny Briscoe, etc) demanded they play a few more and Sergio Trevino somehow agreed to it in his typical sheepish manner then proceeded to treat us with a work in progress that was much better than I think they realized. I think Trevino and company work their music with such expert care that they seem a bit worried about showing some rough edges. That's OK because there is a bit of excitement about seeing a band not exactly knowing where they are going with a song and that vulnerability - that putting yourself out there with no net - is charming when you are as good a band as Buxton. Now for me that was pretty much the proper end of the Block Party for me. I was pretty tired by then but, like the Terminator, the Block Party just wouldn't quit. Don't get me wrong, I saw some amazing sets afterwards like Something Fierce laying down some serious and furious pop-punk and Satin Hook's Lucas Gorham using a Tuvan throat singing technique for backing vocals but by the time the Jon Benet plowed into their set, I was physically fatigued. I'll admit it. Another Block Party has left me beaten and bloody on the canvas. So, what's new? At least I had fun getting pummeled.

    Now one last thing before I get to the photos: Kudos to our heroic and fearless FPH leader Omar. Omar is the general behind all these operations; he books all the bands and gets everyone involved to little acclaim. That's largely because he's not one to self-aggrandize but, instead, seriously believes in the community of artists and people that live in this city. I for one, seeing a small bit of what he does behind the scenes, am always impressed at how the guy pulls it off twice a year. Of course Omar can't do it himself and it's only because of the efforts of all the local businesses, bands, artists, and the community in general coming together that makes these things so special. That's also because, unlike the latter years of the wholly unrelated Westheimer Street Festival, this event isn't just about attracting sponsors but about building and celebrating a community. That's the way these things should be. So thanks everyone who helped and came out. I don't know about you but I'm ready for another round next Spring.

    The Wild Moccasins as drawn by my six year old son who was quite
    irked that the stage shook from all the jumping
    while he was trying to draw.
    Ironically, he then went and jumped in a trampoline for the next hour.

    The actual Wild Moccasins.

    Ghost Town Electric: think of them as basses loaded with one bass!

    Paul Winstanly and Lucas Gorham played
    a gorgeous improvisational set.

    B L A C K I E recovering behind the amps

    The Wild Moccasins chill, a woman looks aghast, and
    hey, look it's John Sears peeking past Zahira as B L A C K I E rages.

    Cop Warmth the Three Musketeers of chaos!

    John Muzak -
    The Wizard lays down magic sounds on Westheimer.

    Lenny Briscoe as played by the late Jerry Orbach
    never rocked this hard...

    ...or was this fashionable.

    A wind-blown Eastern Sea.

    Balaclavas - on fire!!!

    Tambersauro prog-rocking the primary colors

    Listen-up it's Listenlisten

    Where's The McKenzies. See if you can find a Mckenzie
    amongst these rambunctious fans on stage.

    The Hates were very much loved by the people in the circle pit.

    Rusted Shut - the band that (thank goodness) will not die!

    Buxton roars through a mighty set!

    Ewwww...Buxton's Chris Wise:
    very very proud of his bleeding for his art.

    If you had a white truck parked outside of Mango's and
    found your back bumber smashed at the end of the evening.
    You may want to contact Ryder truck rentals
    and find out who was renting truck 445161 that night.

    Wolves At The Door performing to an enthusiastic crowd.

    Bring Back The Guns' Matt Brownlie vs. the mic stand.

    Nikki of Something Fierce realizes that there is a giant bag of
    Styrofoam peanuts behind them ready to pounce!

    There's no need to fear, Satin Hooks is here!

    Sadly, while he saved many lives from a gruesome
    Styrofoam death, Kerry was not so lucky.

    Complete Sets on my Flickr.
    * Westheimer Block Party (
    * Bonus: B L A C K I E & Cop Warmth's Guerilla set (

    Oh and look:
    Breakfast On Tour posted some pictures on their Flickr too (link)